Contatta un esperto

The reseller of electronic devices for industry

DIBA Electronics is able to provide any active, passive and electromechanical electronic component in the shortest possible time.

Our worldwide network of suppliers guarantees the quality of each part purchased.

We are committed to constantly improving our quality standards.

We are constantly working to ensure the fastest delivery, usually within 15 days.

We have a network of suppliers who share our values: professionalism, quality, and reliability. We are ERAI certified, and we only use highly qualified suppliers.

Our quality guarantees

We are committed to constantly improving our quality standards.

We are ERAI (Electronic Resellers Association International), ISO 9001 and ECOVADIS (Sustainability Rating) certified

Speed, our strength.

We are constantly working to ensure the fastest delivery, usually within 15 days.

We propose ourselves as a strategic partner for companies by offering the best quotes on the free market with feedback within 12/18 hours of the request and delivery of material in 14-18 days from the order.

We answer within 12-24 hours

We only choose express deliveries

We prefer efficient and punctual suppliers

Our services at your service!

Discover everything we have been doing with passion and professionalism for over fifteen years.

Quality first

We have a network of suppliers who share our same values: professionalism, quality and reliability.

We are ERAI certified and we only use highly qualified suppliers.

Pieces sold in 2023
0 M+
Countries we deliver to

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obsolete or critical devices?